A list of live cameras from around the world

Oct 3, 2020

Juliet's House livecam【Verona VR, Italy】

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Juliet's House

Summaly of Juliet's House livecamera

A live camera showing the current state of Juliet's House, which is said to have been the setting for Shakespeare's work in Verona, Italy. You can check the current number of people, congestion status, weather, etc.
Live Cam Verona - Juliet's House

Livecamera info

camera name Juliet's House
Location Via Cappello, 23, 37121 Verona VR, Italy
URL officalsite

visible things

  • Near the entrance to Juliet's House


Street view

Camera fanction

original source SkyLineWebCam
distribution format information livestreaming
Watchable time 24hour
Viewing period 365日days
refresh interval -
automatically reload -
the past moving picture file -
picture quality -

Location: Via Cappello, 23, 37121 Verona VR, イタリア


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